
No matter how much you may deny being overweight, there is one thing guaranteed to make you face reality — economy airplane seats.

I recently traveled to the Midwest on a work trip and all I could think about as I walked down the dimly lit carpeted tunnel to the plane was that I hope I don’t have to squeeze in with someone my size or bigger. (I acknowledge what a hypocrite this makes me.)

As I found my seat, my heart sank because it was a full row, meaning my hip would probably have to duke it out with the hip of someone else for a space under an armrest for several hours. The alternative would be to sit with my muscles clenched, which was unlikely to last but a few minutes.

And don’t even get me going on having to sit next to very broad-shouldered men — it makes me feel like I’m going to turn into someone in an old V8 commercial (the one where people walked sideways because they hadn’t had enough vitamins).

There is nothing like seeing the equally disappointed look on the face of your seatmates when you reach your row to make you realize that you may have been the person they were hoping they wouldn’t have to share the space with.  In other words, I need to get my eating/exercise under control and get fit again.

One thing skinny people may not realize is that fat people, no matter how short, also have less front-end leg room…. for me it’s because my excess pounds seem to congregate around my hips and butt. The bigger the butt, the further out your body extends from the seat and the less room there is between you and the next row.

After four such flights in the last week (I had to transfer planes both times), I think I may finally be motivated to start doing something about it so that the next time I have to fly all I will have to dwell on is whether the plane will make it to its destination in one piece or not.

Last year, I spent a week at a monastery and came back a calmer, happier and more peaceful woman.

I’ve begun to feel the itch to do so again and reboot my soul and mind, although in a less costly way.

I have found a place in Smithsburg, Maryland, where a retired Episcopalian priest has recently started a retreat hermitage where she welcomes guests for prayers, silent worship,  overnight stays, etc. It’s called the Hermitage at St. Anne’s,  a mission of St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Smithsburg, MD.

I am signed up to stay there next weekend (December 3-5) from Friday evening through late Sunday.

After checking in, I will spend my two and half days there in silence. Moreover, I will turn off all my connections to the outside world, so don’t expect to reach me by phone, social media or email.

I desperately need more silence in my life. I know this because I have become addicted to noise, feeling anxious when without it.

It used to be that I would relish sitting on my couch crocheting in silence, or riding in my car without the radio/music. But now I need an audio book or music when crocheting.

Moreover, I no longer feel centered, balanced or the inner solitude that I felt after visiting the monastery Mepkin Abbey.

As far as I can tell, the hermitage is a house on a town street. Yet there are some advantages to its location.

I attended high school in the nearby area of Mount Aetna (near Hagerstown) and so I am somewhat familiar with Smithsburg. There is a really beautiful cemetery nearby the house where I can go and sit in relative solitude and think/pray, etc.

I’m also really grateful that the retired Priest, Elizabeth, has inquired into my food allergies and seems keen on accommodating my needs at the hermitage. It will be much easier to eat without talking (asking the ingredients to food) as a result.

Anyway, this weekend will be busy and filled with dinners with family and friends. This weekend I will be thankful for every moment I have here on this earth and for the wonderful people in my life who enrich it all the more.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Hugs and love to you all.

As it seems I am unable to access facebook while in Hanoi, Vietnam, I have decided to blog about my adventures. ps to leave comments please visit my blog ( as I will not be able to see the social networking site for two more days.

I am having a great time here and I have had a fantastic trip overall (with the exception of having to buy a replacement camera for the Vietnam part of my trip–silly me left my camera in the back seat of my friends’ car in Hong Kong.)

It’s the evening of my second day here and tomorrow is my last full day before I fly back to Hong Kong.

I have finally overcome my “stage fright”  of being here as a single woman (meaning unmarried), of sticking out as n American TOURIST and the fear of playing Russian roulette with my  life whenever I cross the road or eat street food. As it is, I usually have to walk along the roadsides because the sidewalks are usually taken up by parked motorcycles. By the way, I miss my boyfriend terribly.

I am enjoying the food tremendously.

I have eaten Pho for breakfast, lunch and dinner at local street vendor restaurants and so far have avoided the traveler’s sickness.

My hotel is lovely and I am provided with a fresh bowl of fruit (mango, apple, bananas and a citrus the size of an orange but with a lime green rind) in my room each day. It also has air conditioning, which is a welcome respite from the humidity outside.

I have seen all the tourist sites on my agenda in the last two days and I expect to write more about that later.

It’s 8 p.m. and I’m preparing for bed so I can get up early and have Vietnamese coffee at a place recommended by some locals.

So in preparing for my trip to Hong Kong in April, I’ve begun assessing what I will need to survive the 18 hour flight.

Among other things, I purchased (still waiting for it to come in the mail) a set of noise cancelling/music capable headphones.

I have a standard kit that I take on the plane for most trips of 5 hours or more. In addition to personal items, my carry-on kit usually includes cough drops, eye drops, handi-wipes, snacks, a crochet project, a new book, journal and a couple of pens/pencils, small bible, camera, ear plugs, small blanket and head/back pillow, extra cash, printed list of emergency contacts, itinerary/travel documents folder and a PDA phone full of music files and audio books.

This time, however, I’m debating whether I should take a crochet project. It might take up too much space in the bag. However, I could make something to give to my friends when I arrive.

Also in preparation for my time in Hong Kong, I have been emailing back and forth with my friends/hosts in Hong Kong to find out all kinds of details. They are being most helpful. But I did have to laugh when one friend said that girls wear really short skirts and low hanging pants but showing cleavage would stop traffic. I guess I’ll have to do a little shopping for some less revealing clothing. Yay, I love shopping.

Finally, I have invested in a little camera to take on the trip. A Cannon “Elph” PowerShot SD780 IS. It’s bright red and I’m already having a blast with it.  I’m also excited because I’ve purchased an 8 GB memory card that will allow me to take more than 2,000 shots at the highest setting (12.1 megapixels) and the camera also will record high-definition video.

Here are a couple sample photos I took of my doggie with the camera.


This is a classic shot of Sophie hoping against hope that my boyfriend will give her some of his food.

Sophie hopes for food

Today, I purchased my round-trip airplane ticket to fly to Hong Kong in April and spend about two weeks there.

While there, I will stay with two wonderful friends who work and live within public transit of downtown Hong Kong. Most of my days will be spent roaming, shopping, swimming and hiking the trails of Hong Kong and the park lands of its “New Territories.”

I’ve been thinking about going ever since they moved out there about two years ago. The timing was just about perfect for me to go in April, especially when my flight has been paid in full with tax-return money. Wohoo!  Plus I wanted to plan to go when I still had vacation time remaining.

In the last few days, I’ve immersed myself in travel books, websites and Google maps online trying to do all that I need to before leaving. Not only do I want to have all my papers, luggage, emergency information, etc. worked out before the end of the month. But I’m starting to gather the beginnings of an itinerary.

I have several primary objectives for the Hong Kong trip.

The overarching objective is to immerse myself in the city and take as many photos and write journal entries/update this blog as often as possible. My friends work during the weekdays so I’m going to have the city to  myself, well, to myself and millions of other people.

Objective 1. Spend time with friends.

I want hear all about their life there and all that’s  happened in the time since they moved, see their fun new gadgets and vehicles and eat at their favorite restaurants.

I’m also excited at the idea of having friends who can help me know where to go, what buses to take from their place, and show me around the area. We have a lot of common interests so I imagine it will be a blast.

Objective 2. Shop, shop shop.

Being a fanatic of teas, and Chinese/Asian decorations and food (and food and personal accessories), I’m guessing I’ll be in shopaholic heaven. I have yet to decide on a spending cap.

In reading the tour books, I’m paying attention to shopping hints and locations. Other than stopping in Hard Rock Cafe for a friend who wants a city pin souvenir, I fully intend to stay the hell out of American franchises and to attempt to buy local products as much as possible.

Knowing I’ll need extra luggage space for the return trip, I’m hoping to take two half full luggage bags (the equivalent of one full bag) and stuff every nook and cranny with gifts for others and things for myself.

Objective 3.  Get out of the crowded city and enjoy the natural scenery.

I read in a tour book that Hong Kong is 40% park and I intend to enjoy that aspect at least a little. I’m not sure if it’s possible yet, but I’d also like to find a way to get out to an island that can be reached only by boat.

I do have one small concern, however, about how I’ll handle my gluten allergy in a world where noodles and soy sauce reign supreme. My friends have already gone to great efforts to find out my options and GF soy sauce in Hong Kong. I’m sure I”ll be able to eat there as there is a large variety of cuisine, but I am somewhat disappointed that I won’t be able to dig into a plate of dumplings.

As smaller items, also I would really like to catch a Chinese opera and tour/visit a monastery in Hong Kong.

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